Saturday, October 17, 2009


When you achieve your Life Skills Badge you will accomplish a bunch of challenges that cause you to attain skills that will prove very useful throughout your life. You may learn about savings plans, road rules, safety around gas, healthy living and much more.
For the syllabi of Trefoil One and Two refer to Pages 59-61 in your Look Wide book.
For the syllabus of Trefoil Three refer to Pages 17-18 in your Look Wider Still book.


When you achieve your Leadership Badge you undertake a series of challenges that develop your skills at being a leader. Whether this is by leading a game for your unit, patrol or district or teaching skills to others you are increasing your leadership skills that you will use throughout your life which may become very useful at one stage.
For the syllabi for these badges refer to Page 59-61 of your Look Wide book.
Or for the syllabus of Trefoil 3 refer to Page 15-16 of your Look Wider Still book.


When you achieve your Leadership Badge you undertake a series of challenges that develop your skills at being a leader. Whether this is by leading a game for your unit, patrol or district or teaching skills to others you are increasing your leadership skills that you will use throughout your life which may become very useful at one stage.
For the syllabi for these badges refer to Page 59-61 of your Look Wide book.
Or for the syllabus of Trefoil 3 refer to Page 15-16 of your Look Wider Still book.


By completing your Emergency Badge you undertake a series of challenges that widen your understanding of the importance of plans for emergency situations and increase your skills of first aid. These skills are all very useful now and for your future life. You can also choose to achieve the Trefoil 3 badge in a particular area of emergency. These areas include First Aid, Life Saving, Samaritan, Fire-Fighter and Emergency Action.
For the syllabi for these badges refer to Pages 55-56 of your Look Wide book.
Or for the syllabus of Trefoil 3 refer to Pages 11-14 of your Look Wider Still book


When you achieve your Camping Badge you will have a much wider understanding of different camps and everything involved with them including planning, menu, hygiene, caring for your environment and much more. For one of your optional challenges for Trefoil one you may write about your camp for this website.
For the syllabi of these badges refer to Pages 53-54 of your Look Wide book.
Or for the syllabus of Trefoil 3 refer to Page 8-10 of your Look Wider Still book


By achieving the Boating Badge you will have reached a level of expertise among various types of boats. You will have learnt many important factors about boating and safety around and in water. If you would like to know when Guides NSW is holding a course to complete this badge visit:
For the syllabi for these badges refer to Pages 49-52 of your Look Wide book.
Or for Trefoil 3 refer to Pages 3-7 of your Look Wider Still book.


To complete an Achieve-A-Challenge Badge you need to complete the challenges listed in the first section and then choose a couple out of the second section. By achieving one of these badges it shows that you have reached a level of skill in that particular level. Within each Achieve-A-Challenge area there are three different levels. When you achieve the first level you receive a cloth badge with the name of the skill and one trefoil. For each level after that that you achieve you will receive an additional trefoil which is sewn on at the end of the last. There are 10 different areas to choose from


The Science and Technology Badge allows you to receive a new understanding and level of expertise of different technological devices of today. By undertaking this badge you may increase your computer skills, use new methods to communicate with a friend, create an electrical circuit, build a model plane, record weather patterns and much more.
For the syllabus of the Science and Technology Badge refer to Page 15 of your Look Wide book.


By undertaking the Outdoors Badge you will have experienced a lot of activities that not only teach you skills but are also a lot of fun as well. Once you have completed this badge you may have been canoeing, kayaking, swimming, cooked outdoors, participated in a camp, made gadgets, been hiking, experienced a campfire, grown vegetables from seeds and much more.
For the syllabus of the Outdoors Badge refer to Page 10 of your Look Wide Book.


By achieving the Life Skills Badge you will have learnt very important skills that you will use throughout your whole life. These skills may be operating household appliances, cooking meals, budgeting, recycling, career choosing, transport maintenance and much more.
For the syllabus of the Life Skills Badge refer to Page 7 of your Look Wide book.


The Health and Fitness Badge helps you to understand the importance of a healthy diet and a good fitness program. Throughout the completion of this badge you may try a new sport, discover how to treat sports injuries, investigate the importance of personal hygiene, build your confidence, raise awareness of alcohol, introduce new games to your unit, discover the importance of healthy eating and much more.
For the syllabus of the Health and Fitness Badge refer to Page 11 of your Look Wide book.


When you complete the Guiding Badge you will have a much wider knowledge of Guiding around the world. You may have learnt the history of Guiding around the world, promoted one of the world centres, found out about WAGGGS, made friends with a Guide overseas, discovered the different levels of Guiding and much more.
For the syllabus of the Guiding badge refer to Page 8 of your Look Wide book


The Friendship badge shows you what special things you can do for the people around you, whether they are family or friends. By achieving the Friendship Badge you may invite a friend to Guides, do a secret good turn, create a gift for a friend, make a new Guiding friend, plan an event for your family and much more.
For the syllabus of the Friendship badge refer to Page 12 of your Look Wide book.


By achieving the Faith Awareness Badge you will have a much wider understanding of different customs and cultures throughout the world. Throughout completing the badge you may experience a Guides Own, discover world religions and their festivals, understand the Promise and Law, visit a different place of worship, participate in community service and much more.
For the syllabus of the Faith Awareness Badge refer to Page 13 of your Look Wide book


The Explore Our World Badge helps you to understand the wider world in which you live in. Through this badge you can discover the customs of different countries, take action against pollution, raise awareness of endangered species, make friendships with Guides overseas and much more.
For the syllabus of the Explore Our World Badge refer to Page 6 of your Look Wide book


The Be Prepared Badge teaches very important skills to everyone who undertakes it. You may learn what to include in a be prepared kit, learnt first aid, planned a fire-escape, learnt bush survival skills and much more. These skills are all important for everyone so that they are prepare throughout life.
For the syllabus for the Be Prepared Badge refer to Page 9 of your Look Wide Book.


The Arts Badge allows you to experience different art forms that exist, and understand them much better. By achieving this badge you may discover different types of music, try a new craft, read stories to others, learn new Guiding songs, experience crafts from different countries and much more.
For the syllabus of the Arts Badge refer to Page 14 of your Look Wide book


To earn an Explore-A-Challenge badge, you need to undertake four challenges listed underneath each of the badges, or you could make up one of your own. There is also a list of words that may give you some ideas as to the challenge you could undertake.
There are ten explore-a-challenge badges that can be achieved.


What challenge can you think of for your World Badge? You could make, learn, investigate, explore, visit, enjoy, help, give...Here are some example challenges:

  • Get a pen-friend in a different country (Investigate the WAGGGS Postbox service)
    Learn about WAGGGS and what they do.
    Make a holiday scrapbook if you go travelling.
    Learn a different language.
    Investigate Guides around the world.
    Discover UNICEF and learn about what they do.
    Learn about the different time zones and be able to calculate the time in another country
    Research the different country codes for website addresses, telephone numbers and amateur radio callsigns
    Find out the story behind the names of the different age groups in other countries (eg. the Rainbow Story or the Spark Story)
    Know how to read an atlas and be able to locate a city by using the index and grid reference
    Understand scales and contour lines as used on a topographic map
    Plan an itinerary for a trip around the world.
    Research some WAGGGS countries and learn about their uniform, promise, age groups, founding date etc...
    Find out about the 4 World Centres
    Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to the world which mean you are achieving your personal best.


Which challenge can you think of doing for your Wheels Badge? You could learn, attend, explore, investigate, create, plan...Here are some example challenges:

  • Learn the road safety rules
    Discover how to ride a bike, pump-up the tyre and put the gear chain back on.
    Investigate different transport methods.
    Learn how to read a map and navigate directions for someone.
    Learn how to ride a skateboard, unicycle or use roller-skates or roller-blades.
    Investigate the laws that apply to cyclists in regard to riding on the roads and footpath
    Discover the signals that cyclists use and observe (eg. for turning corners)
    Know why lights, reflectors and a bell are important, and when lights need to be used.
    Learn about car maintenance (eg. how to change a tyre, how to change a reversing light, how to check and refill the oil, how to refill the window-wipers ...)
    Learn what all the car parts are under the bonnet and what they do
    Investigate why tyres have 'tread'
    Research a famous cyclist
    Learn how to care for roller-skates/blades
    Learn how to skate forwards and backwards on two feet and one foot and how to stop safelyOr any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to wheels and mean you are achieving your personal best


How could you achieve your Water Badge? You could learn, attend, try, improve, share, discover, plan, visit, take part in...Here are some example challenges:

  • Discover about animals that live in ponds and their food, habits, appearance etc.
    Improve your swimming skills, such as:
    Improve the length you can swim, keep a log
    Learn how to swim 4 different strokes and improve how far you can swim each one.
    Learn how to do a 'safety step' and the importance of it
    Learn how to tread water and improve how long you can do it
    Learn how to swim while wearing clothes over your swimmers and be able to take the clothes off in the water without touching the bottom or sides
    Learn how to swim on the surface and underwater using a mask, flippers and snorkel and improve how far you can swim.
    Learn about pool safety and how to save someone.
    Advance your boating skills.
    Plan a bunch of water-related activities for you and your friends.
    Find out about the drought and why water restrictions are needed.
    Learn about beach safety and how to identify a rip
    Research 'The Bends' (decompression sickness), what causes it, and how to avoid it.
    Try to save water and discover how much you really use by going on the 40 hour 40 litre drought
    Find out how to treat stings caused by jellyfish, bluebottles etc
    Find out about Sydney's current water restrictions and those in force in another area.
    Or any other challenge or bunch of challenges related to water that mean you are achieving your personal best.


What challenge can you think of to achieve your Trees Badge? You could learn, grow, create, invite, construct, share, discuss...Here are some example challenges:

  • Learn about different types of trees.
    Grow and nurture flowers or vegetables in your garden.
    Make a collage of different leaves and identify which plants they came off.
    Investigate many types of wildflowers.
    Visit a forest or botanical gardens and make a scrapbook of the plants there.
    Investigate why trees are important to the air we breathe and for life
    Learn about flower arranging and give it a try
    Grow an indoor plant from a bulb root, cutting or seed
    Know what to do if you are lost in the bush
    Find out about 'bonsai' trees and how to care for oneOr any other challenge or group of challenges related to trees that mean you are achieving your personal best.


What could you do to achieve your Time Badge? You could share, visit, research, manage, create, learn, draw, construct...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could learn about the different time zones around the world.
    You could draw a timeline of your life and a family tree.
    You could discover the origins of clocks.
    You could research a famous clock (eg. Big Ben).
    You could create a sundial.
    You could manage your time properly for a few of weeks.Or any other challenge or group of challenges to do with time that mean that you are achieving your personal best


How many ideas can you come up with for your Tent Badge? You could construct, use, plan, try, make, learn, cook, demonstrate...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could camp in a tent.
    You could make some camp gadgets.
    You could cook a meal outdoors.
    You could learn about different types of tents.
    You could learn about campfire safety.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to tents that mean you are achieving your personal best.


How could you challenge yourself to achieve your scissors badge? You could create, design, recycle, display, visit, arrange...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could sew something (badges on sash, embroidery, tapestry, cross-stitch).
    You could learn 4 new stitches.
    You could make a collage of things important to you.
    You could create some origami.
    You could recycle something into something useful.
    You could design and create something.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that's related to scissors that means you're achieving your personal best.


What could you do to achieve your Rope Badge? You could construct, plan, visit, make and use, demonstrate, try, recycle, design...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could learn and share how to tie four or more knots and their uses.
    You could make and use something out of rope using different types of knots.
    You could discover how to construct different gadgets.
    You could improve your skipping skills.
    You could construct a blindfold walk and get your friends and family to have a go.Or any other challenge or group of challenges to do with rope that cause you to achieve your personal best.


What sort of challenge could you do for your Pets Badge? You could play, care, invite, discover, learn, exercise, visit...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could look after your pet for a month.
    You could discover the habits, daily diet, care needed, life of another animal.
    You could learn about the RSPCA and the work they do.
    You could plan and put on a pet parade for your family and friends.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to pets that mean that you achieve your personal best in that area.


How could you achieve your Outer Space Badge? You could visit, build, investigate, explore, identify, create, arrange, learn...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could learn about the planets and their order.
    You could identify four or more constellations in the sky.
    You could investigate different space missions.
    You could create a simple telescope.
    You could visit a space telescope and share what you have learnt.Or any other challenge or group of challenges related to outer space that mean you are achieving your personal best


What sort of challenge could you do for your Other People Badge? You could learn, give, investigate, share, invite, understand...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could learn about Guides in different countries.
    You could give service to someone.
    You could investigate different traditions and customs of people around the world.
    You could exchange letters/e-mails with someone in a different country or state.
    You could learn a different language.
    You could cook and taste a food from another country.Or any other challenge or group of challenges related to other people that mean you are achieving your personal best


What sort of challenge could you do for your Open Book Badge? You could read, try, visit, write, record, learn, share, make...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could read a collection of books and share your opinions of them.
    You could write a story and turn it into a book.
    You could enter a read-a-thon.
    You could investigate the life of an author.
    You could create a comic book.Or any other challenge or group of challenges related to Open Book that mean you are achieving your personal best


What challenge can you figure out for your Numbers Badge? You could count, calculate, plan, investigate, learn, collect, create, improve...Here are some example challenges:

  • Learn how to use an abacus.
    Investigate different currencies around the world.
    Create a budget and stick to it.
    Improve your maths skills.
    Investigate different banks and discover what they off for young people.
    Make a birthday or address book and use it to record the details of your friends.
    Find out about different postage costs
    Learn how to tell the time using a 12 hour and 24 hour clock.
    Learn about different time zones around the world and be able to calculate the time in another country.
    Plan a simple meal and work out how much of each ingredient you need and how much it will cost to buy them.
    Buy a bus/train ticket or something in a shop on your own and know whether you received the correct change.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to Numbers and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What can you challenge yourself to do for your Nature Badge? You could investigate, discover, record, learn, explore, make, collect...Here are some example challenges:

  • Investigate different species of animals or plants.
    Learn about the oceans of the world.
    Discover what living things live in ponds.
    Keep a diary of what birds you see in your backyard or local park and investigate them.
    Make a diorama of animals and plants that live in nature.
    Learn how to recognise 3 birds by their call.
    Learn about flower arranging and give it a try.
    Grow an indoor plant from a cutting, bulb or seed.
    Learn how to recognise 3 shrubs and 3 trees by picture.
    Visit a zoo or animal park and describe what interested you the most.
    Investigate your patrol emblem (if it is part of nature).
    Learn the 8 cardinal points of a compass and discover how to use one.
    Learn how to find North using an analogue watch and the sun, and South using the stars.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to nature and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What sort of challenge could you try for your Homes Badge? You could try, design, learn, create, construct, investigate, invite...Here are some example challenges:

  • Create a plan of your house.
    Learn about different types of houses around the world.
    Keep your room clean and help with chores around the house.
    Build a model house.
    Nurture some plants in the garden from seeds.
    Find out how to turn off the water, electricity and gas in your home.
    Learn how to sort clothes for laundering.
    Learn how to use a broom, vacuum cleaner, mop and/or carpet sweeper.
    Learn how to clean windows, silver, brass and a cooking pot.
    Have a good knowledge of your neighbourhood and know how to get to important places (eg. shops, police station, school, post office, hospital, doctor, telephone etc)Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to homes and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What sort of challenge could you do to achieve your Hands Badge? You could create, learn, attend, give, plan, show, investigate...Here are some example challenges:

  • Learn sign language.
    Make friendship bracelets and give them to your friends.
    Create miscellaneous hand crafts.
    Plan a puppet show and show it to your friends, family or patrol.
    Give service to someone.
    Learn how to knit/crochet and make a useful product.
    Learn some different embroidery stitches and make something.
    Learn about appliqué and use it to make something.
    Learn how to sew on a button and press-stud.
    Make something useful out of recycled materials.
    Make a toy out of a stocking or sock.
    Create a kite that flies.
    Build a weathervane that works.
    Create a wind chime.
    Build a billy-cart.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to hands and mean you are achieving your personal best.


Can you think of a challenge that you could do for your Girls Badge? You could share, discuss, plan, design, make, invite, organise....Here are some example challenges:

  • Design and create a piece of clothing.
    Plan and have a sleepover with friends where you have a girls night.
    Learn about the troubles women around the world face.
    Make friendship bracelets and share them with your friends.
    Discover what it is like to be a mother by caring for a doll for a week (don't forget to look after it All the time, 'feeding' it, 'bathing' it, looking after it if it wakes up early). Ask your mother about what she had to do to look after you when you were a baby.
    Describe the Guide uniform and badges of 4 other WAGGGS countries.
    Do some secret good turns for your friends.
    Learn the importance of hair care, including what shampoo and conditioner are for, why you need to brush/comb your hair, and what lice are and what to do if you get them.
    Research a famous female person and give a presentation about their success.
    Find out about and adult who used to be a Guide and make a presentation.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to girls and mean you are achieving your personal best.


Can you think of some challenges to achieve your food badge? You could cook, invite, grow, plan, visit, learn, share, demonstrate...Here are some example challenges:

  • Cook a full meal for your family (don't forget to clean and wash-up afterwards)
    Plan a party and invite guests then serve them food and drinks that you had prepared.
    Grow vegetables or sprouts from seeds or seedlings and use it as part of a meal.
    Learn about different foods from different countries and try to make some.
    Cook a meal outdoors on a fire.
    Learn about which foods are healthy and which are not so good.
    Learn how to make tea, coffee or another hot drink.
    Learn about special diets people may follow for health reasons and cook a meal that is suitable for them (eg. diabetic, lactose intolerant, allergic to gluten, nuts, egg etc)
    Cook a traditional dish from another country.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to food and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What sort of challenge could you undertake for your Fitness Badge? You could try, invite, plan, improve, learn, share, play...Here are some example challenges:

  • Write a fitness program and stick to it for a couple of weeks.
    Join a sports team and improve your skills.
    Learn about a sport from a different country and try it.
    Plan an day where you and your friends play different types of games and sports.
    Learn how to skip while turning the rope backwards.
    Learn how to balance walk on a plank.
    Improve your aim so that you can hit a target 30cmx30cm from a distance of 4m away with a tennis ball.
    Learn about 'Scout's Pace' and its use and give it a try.
    Learn a few different yoga techniques.
    Learn how to kick a soccer ball, dribble a basketball and shoot a netball.
    Improve your speed at running 100m.
    Improve your skill at catching a tennis ball over a long distance (eg. 20m)Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to fitness and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What could you do to challenge yourself for your Fire Badge? You could learn, visit, create, share, attend, research...Here are some example challenges:

  • Learn how to safely strike a match and handle fire.
    Write a fire-plan for your house, knowing where the fire-extinguishers and fire-blankets are.
    Cook a meal outdoors on a fire.
    Discover what to do if there is a bushfire and how to prepare for it.
    Research campfire safety rules.
    Visit your local fire station.
    Learn how to call the fire station in an emergency and what to tell them.
    Learn about the different types of fire extinguishers and what each one is for.
    Investigate why water should never be thrown on an oil fire.
    Learn how to treat a burn/scald.
    Find out why a fire must not be left unattended and why water must always be kept close-by.
    Investigate what to do if your clothing catches on fire.
    Learn how to grade wood and how to use a saw to cut the wood into smaller pieces.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to fire and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What ideas can you think of to achieve your Feet Badge? You could explore, demonstrate, create, plan, practise, learn...Here are some example challenges:

  • Learn how to use tracking symbols and lay a track for friends to follow.
    Improve your dancing/running/athletic skills.
    Research podiatry.
    Find out about different types of shoes and their origins.
    Create a model foot.
    Research a foot disease such as athletes foot, plantar warts or tinea.
    Learn how to tie a reef knot, sheet bend and Carrick bend with your toes.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to feet and mean you are achieving your personal best.


How could you challenge yourself for your Eyes Badge? You could visit, use, chare, learn, create, investigate, organise, take part in...Here are some example challenges:

  • Learn Braille.
    Investigate Guide Dogs and how they are used and trained.
    Create a code and send messages to someone to decode
    Discover different eye problems and ways to fix them.
    Observe different eye types in different animals and investigate them.
    Learn how to read a map and give clear directions.
    Learn how to read a compass.
    Learn how to find North using the sun and an analogue watch and South using the stars.
    Investigate colour blindness.
    Learn some magic tricks.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to eyes and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What sort of challenge could you do for your Ears Badge? You could discuss, organise, learn, listen, discover, try, share...Here are some example challenges:

  • Learn the alphabet in Semaphore, Braille, Morse code or Sign language.
    Listen to bird calls outside and learn about those birds.
    Discover how a radio works and what the different frequencies mean.
    Plan a night where you play games like charades and Chinese whispers.
    Research different movements of music and famous composers.
    Learn some useful phrases in another language.
    Research how the ear works and learn the names of the different parts of the ear.
    Investigate Tinnitus, its causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to ears and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What sort of challenge could you do for your Design Your Own Challenge Badge. You could think, create, invent, imagine, discover...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could invent something useful.
    You could make a scrapbook of your favourite things.
    You could discover something new.
    You could recycle some boxes and tins to make something practical.
    You could plan a day out with your friends to do something special.Or any other challenge or group of challenges about anything that mean you are achieving your personal best


What ideas can you think of for a challenge for your Computer Badge? You could learn, visit, plan, try, demonstrate, improve, communicate...Here are some example challenges:

  • Create a new email address and learn how to email someone.
    Learn how to use the internet and the safety rules for its use.
    Discover the safety rules around power points.
    Learn how to use a software package new to you.
    Improve your skills at touch typing.
    Learn the names of different parts of the computer (eg. monitor, keyboard, mouse etc)
    Find out about viruses, trojan horses and worms and learn how to protect your computer from these.
    Using a word processing program, find out how to change font style, size and colour. Also try out tables, graphs, columns, pictures, subscript, superscript, footers, and headers.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to Computers and mean you are achieving your personal best.


Can you think of a challenge for your Candles Badge? You could organise, help, create, invite, perform, learn, design, investigate...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could learn about the different uses of candles
    You could create a candle.
    You could investigate fire safety around candles.
    You could discover the origins of candles.
    You could learn how to safely strike a match and light a candle.
    Learn about how candles are used in some special ceremonies around the world (eg. St Lucia Day, Hanukah etc)Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to Candles and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What sort of challenge could you do for your Body Badge? You could plan, learn, improve, discuss, try, attend, share, organise...Here are some example challenges:
· Write a healthy eating plan and stick to it for a week or two.
· Learn about different food and their nutritional value.
· Take up a new sport or improve your skills at a sport you already do.
· Organise a day out with your friends where you do different activities to keep you fit.
· Discuss different ways to keep fit and how to feel great.
· Investigate body language and mime different emotions such as sad, happy, fear, excited.
· Find out about your own personal inoculation record and the reason for protection against some of the diseases (eg. Diptheria, Pertussis (whooping cough), Tetanus, Measles)
· Learn some aspects of First Aid (eg. DR ABC, CPR, how to bandage a cut or graze, how to treat a burn, sting, bite, sprain, bleeding nose etc).
· Without the help of your parents, get ready for school, pack your lunch and bag and keep your room tidy for two weeks.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to Body and mean you are achieving your personal best.


How are you going to challenge yourself for your Australia Badge? You could make, investigate, plan, explore, celebrate, enjoy, visit...Here are some example challenges:

· Make an Australian scrapbook.
· Investigate many different native animals, birds or plants.
· Tell the story of a pioneer in your state.
· Learn the states, capitals and the different parts of the Australian National Flag.
· Discover famous landmarks and learn about why they are so great.
· Plan a holiday in Australia for your family.
· Learn the name of the Australian Prime Minister, your state Premier and local Mayor and the political parties that they stand for.
· Investigate your rights as an Australian Citizen.
· Find out what the Australian national and state emblems are (animal, bird, flower)
· Find out about the different levels of Government and what each one does.
· Draw a map of your area and mark at six places of importance (eg. shops, school, post office, church etc)

.Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to Australia and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What can you think of for your Arts Badge? You could write, draw, make, illustrate, design, share, perform, learn, improve...Here are some example challenges:

  • Draw a few cartoons.
    Learn about primary and secondary colours and use them to paint some pictures.
    Improve your dancing skills or skills at a musical instrument.
    Choreograph your own dance or create your own song.
    Review a movie.
    Take a photo of a silhouette.
    Make a design using potato cuts and use it to cover a book.
    Learn some new songs and sing them to your unit.
    Write your own new song.
    Write a poem.
    Learn how to get photos printed.
  • Learn how to change the batteries in a digital camera or film in a film camera.

Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to arts and mean you are achieving your personal best.


What ideas can you come up with for your Animal Tracks Badge? You could visit, invite, care for, investigate, demonstrate...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could investigate the different footprints of many animals and share your discovery.
    You could demonstrate how to use tracking symbols and leave a track for someone to follow.
    You could visit a zoo or wildlife park and learn about the work they do.
    You could search a park for any footprints and investigate the animals that caused them.
    You could learn about an endangered species and think up ways to help.
    You could research various bush traps and build one to trap a feral cat.


What sort of challenge can you think of for your Air Badge? You could try, create, investigate, construct, learn, share, record...Here are some example challenges:

  • You could keep a log of the weather in your area.
    You could investigate different types of clouds.
    You could construct a kite and fly it at a local park.
    You could learn about air pollution and the problems it causes.
    You could discover what causes a storm.
    You could investigate why trees are important to the air we breathe.
    You could research 'The Bends' what causes it and how it can be avoided.
    You could discover what gases are in the air we breathe and which one we need for life.
    You could find out about the ozone layer, why it is important, what happens when it gets a hole in it and what gases cause these holes.
Or any other challenge or group of challenges that relate to air and mean you are achieving your personal best.


To earn a Create-A-Challenge badge all you have to do is think up a challenge which fits under one of the badges. There are 30 different badges including a blank one for you to think up your own badge. You could do one very big challenge or a bunch of smaller ones, as long as it is a challenge for you. If you look inside your Look Wide book then there is a circle of words around each badge. You can use these to help you think up ideas for your challenge. Here are some of the possible challenges for each badge.


It is optional for any Guide to achieve a badge. The badge system is all based upon each girl's personal challenge. Everyone has their own different idea of a challenge. Some people think mountain climbing is a challenge, others think shooting a goal in netball is a challenge, and for others planning their time is a challenge. It is a very individual thing and may be different for everyone. But the important thing is that you try your best! You may not succeed in shooting that goal but if you practised and practised and tried your best then that is all that matters, as long as it is your personal best.