Thursday, March 25, 2010


The first promise is to be our best to do our duty to God. It was determined in 1972 that the Promise must express a spiritual dimension. The essence of duty to God is the acknowledgement of the necessity for a search for a faith in God, in a supreme being and the acknowledgement of a force higher than man, and of the spiritual principles
Here are some examples of loving your God
• Looking after the world
• Caring for and about others
• Being thankful to God for your eyes, mouth, nose, hands and ears, and for everything that God has given you at home, school and church
• Exploring what your faith teaches you and then living by it
• Sharing your faith with others
Serving your country, its people and the Queen means all sorts of things
• Keeping laws
• Being a useful member of your community
• Learning about the history and culture of your country
Service to other is important and helps us become useful members of our community.
Trying to live by the Guide Laws which challenge the way we live and the choices we make could affect almost everything you do
• A Guide is loyal and can be trusted
• A Guide is helpful
• A Guide is polite and considerate
• A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
• A Guide is kind to animals and respects all living things
• A Guide is obedient
• A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
• A Guide makes good use of her time
• A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
• A Guide is self controlled in all she thinks, says and does
• A sense of duty or of devoted attachment to something or someone.
• LOYALTY connotes sentiment and the feeling of devotion that one holds for one's country, creed, family, friends, etc.
• ALLEGIANCE applies particularly to a citizen's duty to his or her country, or, by extension, one's obligation to support a party, cause, leader, etc.
• FIDELITY implies unwavering devotion and allegiance to a person, principle, etc
To whom are your parents loyal?
To whom should you be loyal?
• A person on whom or thing on which one relies
• Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence
Who do your parents trust- how much faith do they have in you?
Why would your parent/s not have trust in you?
Who do you trust and why do you trust them?
Is it a promise when your mother says she will bake you a cake?
Is it a promise when you say you will clean up your room?
How do you feel if your friend says she will play with you then goes and plays with someone else?
• Giving or aid or assistance;
• Service to others
When would you give aid or assistance to others?
When would you give service to others?
Why would you give aid or service to others?
Does helping around the house mean you are helpful?
Is giving service to the community included in this law?
• Showing good manners toward others, as in behaviour, speech, etc.
• Courteous; civil
What do we mean by good manners in behaviour?
What do we mean by good manners in speech?
Should we swear at other people?
Should we always be courteous and civil even if the other person is not?
• Showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc
Do you think your parents are considerate of your and your feelings?
Do you think you are considerate of their feelings?
Do you think you are aware of how other people are thinking about you?
Should you care what they think?
Does having tattoos, body piercing, strange haircuts make you inconsiderate of other’s feelings if they do not like them?
Should you respect their feelings in this matter or should they respect your’s?
Is giving service to the community included in this law?
• Kind; helpful
• A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard
Do you have to be everybody’s friend?
Do you have to be friendly to everybody?
Is it appropriate to be friends to your parents?
Do friends gossip about each other?
• Having a close relationship with another because of shared interests
What do you think this means when it comes to other guides?
What should you do to show this relationship with other guides?
What do you think this law means?
What can we do to be more aware of this law?
Is there some type of service we can do to keep this law?
• To show regard or consideration
• Respect is an important thing to give and to receive. Respect shows that you think that the other person has value and that you want to show them that
Do you have to respect everyone?
Do you have to respect someone just because they are older than you?
Do you have to respect someone just because they are your teacher, guide leader?
Do you have to respect someone just because they are your parent/s?
Why would you respect someone older than you?
Why would you respect your teacher, guide leader?
Why would you respect your parents?
Would you respect someone of a different religion?
Would you respect someone with completely different views from yours?
Would you respect terrorists even though they believe they are doing the right thing?
Do you have to respect everyone’s right to speak?
• To comply with or follow the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions
• To submit or conform in action to (some guiding principle, impulse, one's conscience, etc.).
Who do you think your parent’s obey- each other, the boss at work, the law- traffic rules, federal laws, state laws, local council laws- no littering etc, the police, fire brigade, ambulance, road traffic stop & go people, queues
Who does the Prime Minister obey- the people of Australia
Who do you think you should obey- parents, teachers, the law, guide leader, older siblings, the police etc?
Why should you obey these people?
• The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear
• Have the courage of one's convictions, to act in accordance with one's beliefs, especially in spite of criticism.
Do you think standing up for something about which you feel strongly is courage?
Should you go to extremes to get people to take notice of your feelings about something, such as the war in Iran?
• Full of happiness
• Having positive thoughts and approach to life
• Enthusiastic
Do you have to be cheerful all the time?
What happens when something dreadful happens in your life- how do you stay positive?
Does counting you blessings help you in life?
Can enthusiastic and positive thoughts help you when you are down?
Can clinical depression be cured by positive thoughts?
• Time management skills
• Prioritise
• Identify your needs
• Focus on activities
• Goal setting
Is time management necessary at this time in your life?
What is time management?
How do you prioritise?
Why set goals- short term, medium and long term ones?
Do you earn pocket money to buy goods?
Why bother to take of your own possessions?
What does it mean taking care of other people’s possessions?
What is wise use of equipment?
Would taking care of the environment be considered as this law?
Is leaving the television on and not watching breaking our laws?
• Control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc.
Why do we all have to exercise self control or self restraint?
Can loss of self control affect all the community?
Can I do what I like when I like and if not, why not?


• Bottle or Jar
• Epsom Salts
• Food Colouring
• Perfume or Essential Oil
• Combine the desired amount of Epsom salts (enough to fit in your bottle or jar) with food colouring.
• Mix well so colour is even.
• Add your perfume or essential oil and mix again.
• Spread the mixture out on a sheet of wax paper to dry for a couple of hours and then put it in the bottle or jar.
While the salts can be used right away, the perfume or essential oil will blend better with the salt if it is allowed to set in the jar for a few weeks.
• 16 inch or larger Terra Cotta Clay Pot
• 16 inch or larger Terra Cotta Clay Saucer
• Paint or Rub-ons
• Clear Acrylic Sealer Spray
• Start out by wiping down your terra cotta pot and saucer with a damp cloth and let dry completely.
The decorating ideas are endless.
• You can find a neat stencil and paint it, or try sponge painting. For mine, I used simple rub-on decals available at pretty much any craft store.
• Decorate to your heart's content!
• The only real trick is to seal your bird bath well after you decorate it. I used several coats of clear acrylic sealer spray. Also, make sure you store your bird bath inside during cold weather months.
• Pen
• Silk or Plastic Flower with stem
• Wire Cutter
• Green Floral tape
• Hold the flower next to the pen and clip the stem so it is about 1inch up from the tip of the pen
• The flower should sit on the end of the pen
• Remove leaves
• Hold the flower tightly and wrapt the entire length of the pen with floral tape
• Aloe Vera Gel
• Glitter
• Food Colouring (optional)
• Small container (recycle old makeup containers or 35mm film containers, or look in stores that carry beads, crafts, or fishing tackle)
• Fill your container about 3/4 full with the aloe Vera gel.
• If you are using food colouring, mix a few drops at a time in with your gel until you get the desired colour.
• Stir in a sprinkling of glitter at a time to avoid clumps. Add as much or as little glitter as you like.
• You can try larger glitter and even small shapes such as stars; or, for a more shimmering look, use fine glitter.
• 3inch clay pot
• Oasis foam
• Wrapped Candy
• Paddle pop sticks
• Cellophane paper
• Hot glue gun
• Paint clay pot to your own design
• Place oasis firm snugly in pot
• Hot glue wrapped candy to paddle pop sticks
• Wrap cellophane around candy
• Stick candy in foam
• Wire coat hangers
• Wrapped candy
• Curling ribbon
• Wire cutters
• Scissors & pliers
• Duct tape if necessary
• Straighten the hanger then cut it in half
• Bend one half into a circular shape twisting one end around the other to secure leaving about 3 inches of one free
• Bend that over to form a small circle or hook for hanging (use duct tape if necessary)
• Cut the curling ribbon into 8inch pieces
• Take one piece of candy and tie it to the centre of the ribbon then use the ribbon to tie the candy to the hanger
• Curl the ends of the ribbon
• Continue until wreath is full

Materials Needed:
• Powdered Cocoa Mix
• Petroleum Jelly
• Small Container
• Put desired amount of petroleum jelly into a small glass bowl.
• Put it in a microwave for 30 seconds
• Take it out and stir.
• Continue doing this until the Vaseline is melted.
• Add the desired amount of cocoa powder (experiment!) and stir.
• Microwave for 30 more seconds and stir.
• Set it aside to cool.
• Once it is cool enough to handle, spoon it into a small container
• . Set it aside until the petroleum jelly gets firm, and then it is ready to use!
You can also use this recipe to make fruit lip gloss by using powdered juice mix instead of cocoa.
Material needed
• 3 Boxes of Regular, Plastic Sandwich Baggies
• 1 Wire Hanger
• Ribbons, Ornaments Etc. to Decorate (optional)
Use the cheapest plastic sandwich baggies you can find.
• The bags with the 'ziplock' top do not work.
• Also, a white wire hanger works best, but and wire hanger will do.
• Start out by forming your wire hanger into the shape of a circle, leaving the hook on the top for hanging.
• One by one, take each baggie and tie it around the hanger in a normal knot.
• You do not need to make a double knot because one will work.
• Fill the hanger completely so the baggies are tied tightly together.
• Once your wire hanger is completely filled with the plastic baggies, it should look like a snowy, white wreath.
• You can embellish the wreath using small ornaments, ribbons etc.
• You can hang your beautiful wreath outside or inside. Not only will this wreath last for a long time, it will be waterproof!
Materials Needed:
• Jars
• Sand
• Food Colouring
• Ribbon
• Glue
• Place the sand in a glass or metal bowl and use the food colouring to tint it the desired colour (you can also use rice).
• Fill the jar about two thirds full with the coloured sand or rice.
• (It is easier to store these candle holders if you save the jar lids!)
• Glue and/or tie a ribbon around the top of the jar.
• Push a candle into the middle of the jar, pushing it into the sand.
• Mild Bar of Soap (I prefer Ivory)
• Warm water
• Cookie cutters
• Instructions:
Grate 1 cup of soap off the bar.
• Pour it in medium sized mixing bowl
• Start with 1/2 cut of warm water.
• Pour into the grated soap and knead to mix.
• Add more warm water, a little at a time, and continue to knead until all soap mixes in and it is the consistency of thick dough.
• If you want to make coloured bars of soap, mix food colouring in with the water.
• Once your water and soap is well blended, press mixture into cookies cutters.
• Set the cookie cutter on its side so the soap dries on both sides, or flip it often.
• Put in a dry place to dry for about 24 hours.
• Gently pop your soap out of the cookie cutter.
More: Instead of using cookie cutters, you can make miniature bars of home-made soap by pressing your mixtures into ice cube trays. You can also roll them into balls.
For a simple gift, tie a ribbon around the home-made bars of soap, or fill a small gift basket!
Materials Needed:
• Heavy Cardboard
• Paint or Markers
• Glue
• Tape
• Piece of Fabric
• Rice, Dried Beans, or Sand
• Ribbon
• Trace your hand and part of your forearm (about 2-3 inches) on a piece of thick (corrugated) cardboard.
• Cut out the hand shape you just traced.
• You may need to use a utility knife with an adult's help!
• Use this cut-out to trace another hand shape, and cut it out also.
• Glue the 2 hand shapes together so they are facing the same direction.
• This double thickness will help make your jewellery and ring holder sturdier.
• Using the paint, decorate your hand shape. Use your imagination...
• You can paint it to look like a real hand complete with coloured nails and rings, or you can make it colourful to match your room!
• Paint one side and let it dry completely, and then paint the other side.
• Cut an approximate 18 inch circle out of the fabric.
• Working along the edge of the fabric, use a pair of scissors and make very small slits about every inch.
• You want the slits big enough only to be able to thread your ribbon through.
• Weave the ribbon through the slits in the fabric, going down one hole and up another until you get back to where you started.
• Pull a little on both ends of the ribbon until your fabric looks like a bowl shape.
• Place 1 - 2 cups of rice, dried beans, or sand in the fabric bowl shape until it is almost full.
• Stick the wrist section of the cardboard hand into the rice, dried beans, or sand.
• Once you get the hand shape secure, pull on both ends of the ribbon again to finish gathering your material.
• You want the fabric with the ribbon woven through it to be snug against your hand shape.
• Tie the ribbon into a bow!
• To help make this jewellery holder more stable, run a bead of glue along the section where the cardboard and ribbon meet.
• Always pick your jewellery holder up by the fabric base, never by the cardboard hand!


• Large piece of paper such as gift wrap or newspaper.
• Masking Tape
• Ball or Bucket
• Place paper centred over ball or upside-down bucket.
• Press paper with hands around bucket or top half of ball to shape.
• Hold in place while second person wraps large pieces of tape around to make hat band.
• Remove from ball or bucket.
• Decorate.
Decorate a pencil using ribbon and beads. Make them in your favourite colours, your school colours, and many other designs!
Ribbon (about 1/8-inch wide)
Various Beads (pony beads work well)
Tacky Glue
• Carefully remove the eraser from the end of the pencil and set it aside.
• Cut a piece of ribbon about 8 inches long. String one bead onto the ribbon, hold both ends together and push the bead into the centre.
• String other beads as desired by pushing both ends of the ribbon through each hole and push the beads down to rest on the first one.
• Once you have the bead design you want, trim the ends of the ribbon so there is about 1 inch extra.
• Put a few drops of glue into the eraser hole on the end of the pencil.
• Lay the ends of the ribbon into the eraser hole and then gently work the eraser back into the hole, on top of the ribbon.
• Let dry.
Materials Needed:
• Neon Straws
• Yarn
• Artificial Flowers (optional)
• Novelty beads
• Cut the straws into 2" sections and thread them onto 5' lengths of yarn interspersing flowers at various intervals
• Place novelty beads at the ends and hang the strands from small hooks and the result is not only fabulous but much more durable!
• 16 inch or larger Terra Cotta Clay Pot
• 16 inch or larger Terra Cotta Clay Saucer
• Paint or Rub-ons
• Clear Acrylic Sealer Spray
• Start out by wiping down your terra cotta pot and saucer with a damp cloth and let dry completely.
The decorating ideas are endless.
• You can find a neat stencil and paint it, or try sponge painting. For mine, I used simple rub-on decals available at pretty much any craft store.
• Decorate to your heart's content!
• The only real trick is to seal your bird bath well after you decorate it. I used several coats of clear acrylic sealer spray. Also, make sure you store your bird bath inside during cold weather months.
• Pen
• Silk or Plastic Flower with stem
• Wire Cutter
• Green Floral tape
• Hold the flower next to the pen and clip the stem so it is about 1inch up from the tip of the pen
• The flower should sit on the end of the pen
• Remove leaves
• Hold the flower tightly and wrapt the entire length of the pen with floral tape
• Wire coat hangers
• Wrapped candy
• Curling ribbon
• Wire cutters
• Scissors & pliers
• Duct tape if necessary
• Straighten the hanger then cut it in half
• Bend one half into a circular shape twisting one end around the other to secure leaving about 3 inches of one free
• Bend that over to form a small circle or hook for hanging (use duct tape if necessary)
• Cut the curling ribbon into 8inch pieces
• Take one piece of candy and tie it to the centre of the ribbon then use the ribbon to tie the candy to the hanger
• Curl the ends of the ribbon
• Continue until wreath is full
Materials Needed:
• Powdered Cocoa Mix
• Petroleum Jelly
• Small Container
• Put desired amount of petroleum jelly into a small glass bowl.
• Put it in a microwave for 30 seconds
• Take it out and stir.
• Continue doing this until the Vaseline is melted.
• Add the desired amount of cocoa powder (experiment!) and stir.
• Microwave for 30 more seconds and stir.
• Set it aside to cool.
• Once it is cool enough to handle, spoon it into a small container
• . Set it aside until the petroleum jelly gets firm, and then it is ready to use!
You can also use this recipe to make fruit lip gloss by using powdered juice mix instead of cocoa.
Materials Needed:
• Plaster of Paris
• Plastic Candy Moulds
• Paint and/or Markers
• Jewellery Findings and/or Magnet strips (optional)
• Mix plaster of Paris according to directions; do not get it too thick since it dries quickly.
• Pour into candy mould.
• Let set and harden.
• When dry, remove from mould and allow to dry thoroughly.
• Clean excess plaster off edges.
• Use paint or permanent markers to decorate the item.
• If small enough, you can glue a magnet on the back and use as a fridge magnet
Material needed
• 3 Boxes of Regular, Plastic Sandwich Baggies
• 1 Wire Hanger
• Ribbons, Ornaments Etc. to Decorate (optional)
Use the cheapest plastic sandwich baggies you can find.
• The bags with the 'ziplock' top do not work.
• Also, a white wire hanger works best, but and wire hanger will do.
• Start out by forming your wire hanger into the shape of a circle, leaving the hook on the top for hanging.
• One by one, take each baggie and tie it around the hanger in a normal knot.
• You do not need to make a double knot because one will work.
• Fill the hanger completely so the baggies are tied tightly together.
• Once your wire hanger is completely filled with the plastic baggies, it should look like a snowy, white wreath.
• You can embellish the wreath using small ornaments, ribbons etc.
• You can hang your beautiful wreath outside or inside. Not only will this wreath last for a long time, it will be waterproof!
Materials Needed:
• Jars
• Sand
• Food Colouring
• Ribbon
• Glue
• Place the sand in a glass or metal bowl and use the food colouring to tint it the desired colour (you can also use rice).
• Fill the jar about two thirds full with the coloured sand or rice.
• (It is easier to store these candle holders if you save the jar lids!)
• Glue and/or tie a ribbon around the top of the jar.
• Push a candle into the middle of the jar, pushing it into the sand.
• Mild Bar of Soap (I prefer Ivory)
• Warm water
• Cookie cutters
• Instructions:
Grate 1 cup of soap off the bar.
• Pour it in medium sized mixing bowl
• Start with 1/2 cut of warm water.
• Pour into the grated soap and knead to mix.
• Add more warm water, a little at a time, and continue to knead until all soap mixes in and it is the consistency of thick dough.
• If you want to make coloured bars of soap, mix food colouring in with the water.
• Once your water and soap is well blended, press mixture into cookies cutters.
• Set the cookie cutter on its side so the soap dries on both sides, or flip it often.
• Put in a dry place to dry for about 24 hours.
• Gently pop your soap out of the cookie cutter.
More: Instead of using cookie cutters, you can make miniature bars of home-made soap by pressing your mixtures into ice cube trays. You can also roll them into balls.
For a simple gift, tie a ribbon around the home-made bars of soap, or fill a small gift basket!
Materials Needed:
• Heavy Cardboard
• Paint or Markers
• Glue
• Tape
• Piece of Fabric
• Rice, Dried Beans, or Sand
• Ribbon
• Trace your hand and part of your forearm (about 2-3 inches) on a piece of thick (corrugated) cardboard.
• Cut out the hand shape you just traced.
• You may need to use a utility knife with an adult's help!
• Use this cut-out to trace another hand shape, and cut it out also.
• Glue the 2 hand shapes together so they are facing the same direction.
• This double thickness will help make your jewellery and ring holder sturdier.
• Using the paint, decorate your hand shape. Use your imagination...
• You can paint it to look like a real hand complete with coloured nails and rings, or you can make it colourful to match your room!
• Paint one side and let it dry completely, and then paint the other side.
• Cut an approximate 18 inch circle out of the fabric.
• Working along the edge of the fabric, use a pair of scissors and make very small slits about every inch.
• You want the slits big enough only to be able to thread your ribbon through.
• Weave the ribbon through the slits in the fabric, going down one hole and up another until you get back to where you started.
• Pull a little on both ends of the ribbon until your fabric looks like a bowl shape.
• Place 1 - 2 cups of rice, dried beans, or sand in the fabric bowl shape until it is almost full.
• Stick the wrist section of the cardboard hand into the rice, dried beans, or sand.
• Once you get the hand shape secure, pull on both ends of the ribbon again to finish gathering your material.
• You want the fabric with the ribbon woven through it to be snug against your hand shape.
• Tie the ribbon into a bow!
• To help make this jewellery holder more stable, run a bead of glue along the section where the cardboard and ribbon meet.
• Always pick your jewellery holder up by the fabric base, never by the cardboard hand!


Ring of cardboard (empty cereal boxes work wonderfully)
construction paper (black)
small piece of wool
Trace a small plate and a large plate onto a piece of old cardboard.
Empty cereal boxes or frozen dinner boxes work well as a source of recycled cardboard.
It doesn't matter if you go over the folds of the cardboard
Cut a small strip of cardboard and glue it onto the back of the ring over any folds in the cardboard.This will reinforce the ring.
Cut strips of construction paper (about 1 1/2 inches by 4 inches)
glue the strips into rolls (like making a paper chain)
Glue the rolls of construction paper onto the wreath. We made them all black, but you could use black and orange or black, orange and green.
Fold a piece of black construction paper in half and cut out a 1/2 bat shape (this will make both wings of the bat symmetrical). Use white pencil crayon to draw on facial features.
Tape a small piece of wool to the bat and the wreath so it hangs in the middle.


Write prayers of thanks. For example: for the gift of sight - to be able to see the beauty of nature, to see a smile, tears of joy or sadness, familiar faces.

Hold up cards of the individual letters of the word THANKSGIVING as thoughts are shared for each letter. That is:
• T is for togetherness and time spent with friends and family and at Guides.
• H is for happiness, harmony and honesty.
• A is for ability to learn new things and serve others
• N is for never giving up because we know we have our sisters in Guiding to help us
• K is for kindness for all people and animals
• S is for smile which costs nothing but gives much
• G is for giving of our time to help others which enriches those who receive it but does not make us poorer
• I is for I will follow the Promise & Law so I can live a better life
• V is for virtues which we will learn from following the Law & Promise
• I is for introducing others to our wonderful world of Guiding
• N is for nature and our need to help our environment
• G is for grateful for being alive and able to enjoy our lives
• of people who experienced adversity and were still thankful, such as Helen Keller,
• of those who tried to make life better for others, like Mother Theresa or Dr John Flynn of the Inland (Royal Flying Doctor Service)
• Stories of the Dreamtime
• Find readings by Helen Steiner Rice or in your Holy Book or from Sharing or Searching.
I wish you enough sunshine to keep your attitude bright
I wish you enough rain to make you appreciate the sunshine more
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joy in life appears much bigger than it is
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your longing
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all you posses
I wish you enough Hellos to get you through the final goodbye

READING 2 Lord Baden Powell
I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life. Happiness doesn’t come from being rich, nor successful nor by self indulgence. Happiness is to make yourself strong & healthy while you are young so that you can enjoy life as a woman. The real way to happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. Try and leave this world a little better than you find it.

A smile costs nothing to give but gives much. It enriches those who receive it without make us poorer for giving it. It takes but a moment but the memory of it can last forever. None is so rich or might they can go without a smile. A smile creates happiness, foster goodwill and is a sign of friendship. A smile cannot be bought, begged or borrowed for it has no value if it is not given away. If someone does not smile give them one of yours

When I became a guide I made a promise to myself and to everyone else. A promise which I am committed to keep, no matter what happens in my life, no matter how I feel at any time.

A promise to do my nest, my very best and not just a best which is half hearted or second rate. A promise to do my duty to God, remembering that God that has many different names and many different meanings to us all. A promise to serve the Queen and my country so I can improve our lives here.

A promise to help other people whoever they are: not just people I know, not just people who look like me, not just when it suits me but whenever & wherever help is needed. W promise to keep the Guide law, whatever I am doing, day by day: to keep it so that other people can be sure I have the qualities that they expect of me- courage & loyalty, resect & consideration and self control

Let us forgive and forget our differences
Let us strive for a better future for the world
Let there always be peace & no more wards
Peace is what everyone wants but do not always remember to keep
Let the example begin with me

It is hard to be honest, to apologise, to always smile, to begin all over again
It is hard to make the best of things, to keep your temper, to admit error
It is hard to take advice, to forgive and forget, to help other people

Plan ahead- it was not raining when Noah built the Ark
Stay fit- when you are 600 years old someone might ask you to do something really big
Don’t listen to negative criticism- do what has to be done
Speed is not always an advantage- the cheetahs were on board, but so were the snails
Don’t forget we are all in the same boat
Remember that amateurs built the Ark- professionals built the Titanic
Do not miss the boat

Allow the experience of fresh air and wind in your face to be pure ecstasy
When a loved one comes home always run to greet them
Run, romp and play daily
Be loyal
Never pretend to be something your are not
If want you want lies buried, dig until you find it
When someone is having a day, be quiet, sit close and love them
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk
Thrive on attention and let people touch you


I came from the dreamtime
From the dusty red-soil plains
I am the ancient heart
The keeper of the flames
I stood upon the rocky shore
I watched the tall ships come
For forty thousand years I’ve been the first Australian

I came upon the prison ships
Bound down by iron chains
I cured the land, endured the lash
And waited for the rains
I'm a settler
I'm a farmers wife
On a dry and barren run
A convict and a free man
I became Australian

I’m a daughter of a digger
Who sought the mother load
The girl became a women
On the long and dusty road
I’m a child of the depression
I saw the good time come
I’m a bushy, I’M a battler
I am Australian

We are one but we are many and from all the lands on earth we come
We'll share a dream and sing with one voice
I am, you are, we are Australian

I’m a teller of stories
I’m a singer of songs
I am Albert Namajera and I paint the ghostly gums
I’m Clancy on his horse
I’m Ned Kelly on the run
I’m the one who waltzed Matilda
I am Australian

I’m the hot wind from the desert
I’m the black soil of the plain
I’m the mountains and the valleys
I’m the drowned and flooding rains
I am the rock
I am the sky, the rivers when they run
the spirit of this great land
I am Australian

I've been to cities that never close down
From New York to Rio and Olde London Towne
But no matter how far or how wide I roam
I still call Australia home
I'm always travelling, I love being free
And so I keep leaving the sun and the sea
But my heart lies waiting over the foam
I still call Australia home

All the sons and daughters spinning 'round the world
Away from their family and friends
Yet the world gets older and colder
It's good to know where your journey end

Someday we'll all be together again
When all of the ships come back to the shore
I realize something I've always known
I still call Australia
Still call Australia
Still call Australia home

Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong
Under the shade of a coolabah tree,
And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me
And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled,
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me

Down came a jumbuck to drink at that billabong,
Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee,
And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tucker bag,
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me"

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me
And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tucker bag,
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me

Up rode the squatter, mounted on his thoroughbred,
Down came the troopers, one, two, three,
Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag?
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
you’ll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me
Where's that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag?"
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me"

Up jumped the swagman and sprang into the billabong,
You'll never take me alive, said he,
And his ghost may be heard as you pass by that billabong,
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me
And his ghost may be heard as you pass by that billabong,
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me.
Oh, You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me

Travelling in a fried-out Kombi
On a hippie trail, head full of zombie
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in and gave me breakfast
And she said...

Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover!

Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six-foot-four and full of muscles
I said, Do you speak-a my language?
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
And he said...

I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover!

Lyin' in a den in Bombay
With a slack jaw, and not much to say
I said to the man, Are you trying to tempt me
Because I come from the land of plenty?
And he said...

Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover!

Living in a land down under
Where women glow and men plunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover!

Living in a land down under
Where women glow and men plunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover!

I've been around the world a couple
of times or maybe more
I've seen the sights, I've had delights
On every foreign shore
But when my friends all ask me the place
that I adore I tell them right away

Give me a home among the gum trees
With lots of plum trees
A sheep or two, a kangaroo
A clothes-line out the back
Verandah out the front
And an old rocking chair

You can see me in the kitchen
Cookin' up a roast
Or Vegemite on toast
Just you and me, a cup of tea
Later on we'll settle down
And mull up on the porch
And watch the possums play


Some people like their houses
With fences all around
Others live in mansions
And some beneath the ground
But me, I like the bush, you know
With rabbits running 'round
And a pumpkin vine out the back


Opening thoughts
It is inside that counts
Materials needed (per person): Small Square of fabric, elastic band, small rock, shell and feather.
Hand out square of material (about the size of your palm).
Guide 1
The world we live in is a material world.
Guide 2
But it is not the things we buy, or wear or what we look like that counts.
Guide 3
It's what is on the inside that matters most.
Hand out the rocks.
Guide 4
The rock represents the earth.
Guide 5
In our busy lives, whether at school or work, with our friends, or in our families, we need a solid base to build on.
Guide 6
Love your God & look after the world,
Guide 7
Keep the laws of the land
Guide 8
As Guiders and girls, we help to give each other this solid base.
Guide 9
Try to live by the Guide Laws which challenge the way we live and the choices we make which could affect almost everything you do
Hand out the shells.
Guide 10
The shell represents the water.
Guide 11
All living things need water; all things on land; all things in the air; all things in the water.
Guide 12
Through Guiding and in other parts of our lives, we explore the flowing currents of our faith.
Guide 13
Explore what your faith teaches you and then live by it
Guide 14
Be thankful to God for your eyes, mouth, nose, hands and ears, and for everything that God has given you at home, school and church
Hand out the feathers.
Guide 15
The feathers represent the air.
Guide 16
What we do and say can build up or hurt others.
Guide 17
Our words are like the wind -- you do not see them, but you see their effects.
Guide 18
A guide is courteous and shown good manners
Guide 19
A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
Guide 20
A Guide is self controlled in all she thinks, says and does
Now wrap these things inside the material and tie it up with elastic
May this package remind us that we will always be ready to serve anyone in need, regardless of race, creed, religion or language

Opening thought- Once the grains of our sand are combined nothing can separate them again. This shows the unity of our Guide unit
You will need small jars containing coloured sand- which we can make previously- and a large jar into which we pour the sand
Guide 1- pours sand into the jar and says
Love your God & look after the world,
Guide 2 pours sand into the jar and says
Explore what your faith teaches you and then live by it
Guide 3 pours sand into the jar and says
Share your faith with others
Guide 4 pours sand into the jar and says
Keep the laws of the land
Guide 5 pours sand into the jar and says
Try to live by the Guide Laws which challenge the way we live and the choices we make which could affect almost everything you do
Guide 6 pours sand into the jar and say
A Guide is loyal and can be trusted
Guide 7 pours sand into the jar and says
A Guide is polite and considerate
A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
Guide 8 pours sand into the jar and say
A Guide is kind to animals and respects all living things
A Guide is obedient
Guide 9 pours sand into the jar and say
A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
A Guide makes good use of her time
Guide 10 pours sand into the jar and says
A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
A Guide is self controlled in all she thinks, says and does
Guide 11
Service to other is important and helps us become useful members of our community
Guide 12
Help other people and try to do a good deed a day
Guide 13
Be a useful member of your community
Guide 13
Learn about the history and culture of your country
Guide 14
Care for and about others
Guide 15
Be thankful to God for your eyes, mouth, nose, hands and ears, and for everything that God has given you at home, school and church
Guide 16
A Guide is helpful
Guide 17
A guide is courteous and shown good manners
Guide 18
Guides try to become fit, healthy & strong
Guide 19
Guides try to learn new skills
Guide 20
Guides take the opportunity of challenging themselves and learning to lead
Let this sand remind us to find ways of helping others, so that we may be true to our Promise, our Law and to each other

Make a jewel box containing jewels
Opening thought- diamonds may be a girl’s best friend but it is cold and hard. We Guides are jewels beyond price because we live by the Promise & Law and bring joy into the world
Let us open our Treasure Chest and take out the jewels of our Promise & Law. Each guide will take out a jewel
Guide 1- the jewel of loving your God. Guides take care of their world
Guide 2 – the jewel of thankfulness. Guides are thankful for the opportunity of using the sense they have been given- their eyes, nose, mouth & ears
Guide 3- the jewel of exploring their faith. Guides can find out about their beliefs and how it will affect their lives
Guide 4- the jewel of sharing their faith with others. Guides can talk to other people about what they believe to allow them to share in their own joy
Guide 5- the jewel of law keeping. Guides not only obey Guide Law but also the laws of the land so people can see them as being responsible citizens
Guide 6 – the jewel of usefulness. Guides serve others and are useful members of the community
Guide 7 – the jewel of learning. Guides learn about their culture and the history of their country
Guide 8 – the jewel of challenge. Guides try to live by the Guide law that help us make the right choices
Guide 9 – the jewel of friendship A Guide who has friends must be friendly but she must be a sister to her fellow Guides.
Guide 10 – the Jewel of courtesy. When people talk to you- do not look at the sky. Give them your attention- look them in the eye
Guide 11 -The jewel of obedience. Guides respect and honour their parents, teachers, older people & Guide leaders and respectfully obey any directions given respectfully.
Guide 12- the jewel of caring. Anne Frank wrote- How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single minute before starting to improve the world
Guide 13- the jewel of giving. Guides do things for other people- they give their time & energy and ask nothing in return but the pleasure of doing it.
Guide 14- the jewel of cheerfulness. If a guide keeps her face to the sunshine she will not see the shadow
Guide 15- the jewel of thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness is the language even the blind can see and the deaf can hear
Guide 16- the jewel of courage. A Guide who lives by the Promise and Law will have the courage of her convictions and can help right the wrongs of the world
Guide 17- the jewel of time- A guide will learn to use her time wisely
Guide 18- the jewel of kindness to all living things. A Guide respects all living things
Guide 19- the jewel of honesty. A Guide must be honest in all she says and does
Guide 20- the jewel of self control. A Guide must think before she speaks and acts
May these jewels remind us to work and play together so that our Guiding brings joy to others and ourselves.