Thursday, March 25, 2010


Opening thoughts
It is inside that counts
Materials needed (per person): Small Square of fabric, elastic band, small rock, shell and feather.
Hand out square of material (about the size of your palm).
Guide 1
The world we live in is a material world.
Guide 2
But it is not the things we buy, or wear or what we look like that counts.
Guide 3
It's what is on the inside that matters most.
Hand out the rocks.
Guide 4
The rock represents the earth.
Guide 5
In our busy lives, whether at school or work, with our friends, or in our families, we need a solid base to build on.
Guide 6
Love your God & look after the world,
Guide 7
Keep the laws of the land
Guide 8
As Guiders and girls, we help to give each other this solid base.
Guide 9
Try to live by the Guide Laws which challenge the way we live and the choices we make which could affect almost everything you do
Hand out the shells.
Guide 10
The shell represents the water.
Guide 11
All living things need water; all things on land; all things in the air; all things in the water.
Guide 12
Through Guiding and in other parts of our lives, we explore the flowing currents of our faith.
Guide 13
Explore what your faith teaches you and then live by it
Guide 14
Be thankful to God for your eyes, mouth, nose, hands and ears, and for everything that God has given you at home, school and church
Hand out the feathers.
Guide 15
The feathers represent the air.
Guide 16
What we do and say can build up or hurt others.
Guide 17
Our words are like the wind -- you do not see them, but you see their effects.
Guide 18
A guide is courteous and shown good manners
Guide 19
A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
Guide 20
A Guide is self controlled in all she thinks, says and does
Now wrap these things inside the material and tie it up with elastic
May this package remind us that we will always be ready to serve anyone in need, regardless of race, creed, religion or language

Opening thought- Once the grains of our sand are combined nothing can separate them again. This shows the unity of our Guide unit
You will need small jars containing coloured sand- which we can make previously- and a large jar into which we pour the sand
Guide 1- pours sand into the jar and says
Love your God & look after the world,
Guide 2 pours sand into the jar and says
Explore what your faith teaches you and then live by it
Guide 3 pours sand into the jar and says
Share your faith with others
Guide 4 pours sand into the jar and says
Keep the laws of the land
Guide 5 pours sand into the jar and says
Try to live by the Guide Laws which challenge the way we live and the choices we make which could affect almost everything you do
Guide 6 pours sand into the jar and say
A Guide is loyal and can be trusted
Guide 7 pours sand into the jar and says
A Guide is polite and considerate
A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
Guide 8 pours sand into the jar and say
A Guide is kind to animals and respects all living things
A Guide is obedient
Guide 9 pours sand into the jar and say
A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
A Guide makes good use of her time
Guide 10 pours sand into the jar and says
A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
A Guide is self controlled in all she thinks, says and does
Guide 11
Service to other is important and helps us become useful members of our community
Guide 12
Help other people and try to do a good deed a day
Guide 13
Be a useful member of your community
Guide 13
Learn about the history and culture of your country
Guide 14
Care for and about others
Guide 15
Be thankful to God for your eyes, mouth, nose, hands and ears, and for everything that God has given you at home, school and church
Guide 16
A Guide is helpful
Guide 17
A guide is courteous and shown good manners
Guide 18
Guides try to become fit, healthy & strong
Guide 19
Guides try to learn new skills
Guide 20
Guides take the opportunity of challenging themselves and learning to lead
Let this sand remind us to find ways of helping others, so that we may be true to our Promise, our Law and to each other

Make a jewel box containing jewels
Opening thought- diamonds may be a girl’s best friend but it is cold and hard. We Guides are jewels beyond price because we live by the Promise & Law and bring joy into the world
Let us open our Treasure Chest and take out the jewels of our Promise & Law. Each guide will take out a jewel
Guide 1- the jewel of loving your God. Guides take care of their world
Guide 2 – the jewel of thankfulness. Guides are thankful for the opportunity of using the sense they have been given- their eyes, nose, mouth & ears
Guide 3- the jewel of exploring their faith. Guides can find out about their beliefs and how it will affect their lives
Guide 4- the jewel of sharing their faith with others. Guides can talk to other people about what they believe to allow them to share in their own joy
Guide 5- the jewel of law keeping. Guides not only obey Guide Law but also the laws of the land so people can see them as being responsible citizens
Guide 6 – the jewel of usefulness. Guides serve others and are useful members of the community
Guide 7 – the jewel of learning. Guides learn about their culture and the history of their country
Guide 8 – the jewel of challenge. Guides try to live by the Guide law that help us make the right choices
Guide 9 – the jewel of friendship A Guide who has friends must be friendly but she must be a sister to her fellow Guides.
Guide 10 – the Jewel of courtesy. When people talk to you- do not look at the sky. Give them your attention- look them in the eye
Guide 11 -The jewel of obedience. Guides respect and honour their parents, teachers, older people & Guide leaders and respectfully obey any directions given respectfully.
Guide 12- the jewel of caring. Anne Frank wrote- How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single minute before starting to improve the world
Guide 13- the jewel of giving. Guides do things for other people- they give their time & energy and ask nothing in return but the pleasure of doing it.
Guide 14- the jewel of cheerfulness. If a guide keeps her face to the sunshine she will not see the shadow
Guide 15- the jewel of thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness is the language even the blind can see and the deaf can hear
Guide 16- the jewel of courage. A Guide who lives by the Promise and Law will have the courage of her convictions and can help right the wrongs of the world
Guide 17- the jewel of time- A guide will learn to use her time wisely
Guide 18- the jewel of kindness to all living things. A Guide respects all living things
Guide 19- the jewel of honesty. A Guide must be honest in all she says and does
Guide 20- the jewel of self control. A Guide must think before she speaks and acts
May these jewels remind us to work and play together so that our Guiding brings joy to others and ourselves.

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